
63. Trust yourself. Your body, your intuition, your cycles

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Hey guys! In this short episode I'm just feeling chatty and sharing with you what's on my mind aka three ideas that are most alive for me atm. And they all are about the importance of trusting yourself, trusting your body, trusting your seasons of productivity and of rest, trusting that after one always comes the other, trusting your intuition. All the things.

So, make yourself a nice cup of tea and enjoy listening! Love you!


Don't forget to check the 'Love letters from your Higher Self' podcast. It's my other solo-podcast where I share channeled messages in a format of pick a card readings that are meant to guide you back home, to yourself, to help you hear yourself, to help you tap into the unconditional love the Universe has for you. Always. Every step of the way.


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My instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dashathinks

Twitch channel - https://www.twitch.tv/dashatalks