
Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders (ETL)

by Stanford eCorner

Returning With Real-World Wisdom [ETL Looks Back]

27.11.2024 • 00:59:20

Tina Seelig speaks with four Stanford graduates about taking their ideas and learnings to the real world.

Clara Shih - What No One Tells You About Entrepreneurship [ETL Looks Back]

20.11.2024 • 00:47:00

Clara Shih highlights the significance of nurturing existing friendships and acknowledges the evolving responsibilities of leadership as companies gro...

Maria Barrera (Clayful) - Mental Health for Entrepreneurs [ETL Looks Back]

13.11.2024 • 00:48:15

Maria Barrera uses her background as a mechanical engineer to focus on preventative mental health support for youth.

Gabriel Parisi-Amon (Nebia Shower) - A Burnout Manifesto [ETL Looks Back]

08.11.2024 • 00:53:24

Gabriel Parisi-Amon of Nebia challenges the “perfect founder” myth and offers advice for preventing burnout among entrepreneurs.

Andy Dunn (Bonobos) - Mental Health for Entrepreneurs [ETL Looks Back]

30.10.2024 • 00:50:18

Andy Dunn shares his experiences with bipolar disorder, emphasizing how it fueled his creativity and drive while advocating for a shift in perceptions...

Richard Miller (Olin College) - More Innovation Through Education [ETL Looks Back]

23.10.2024 • 00:53:46

Richard Miller emphasizes continuous, community-based learning and problem-solving as essential to design-centered thinking.

Jennifer Carolan (Reach Capital) - Seeking the Full Potential of Education [ETL Looks Back]

16.10.2024 • 00:57:11

Jennifer Carolan discusses blending the venture model with education, and following teachers’ leads in the EdTech revolution.

Sal Khan (Khan Academy) - Education Reimagined [ETL Looks Back]

09.10.2024 • 00:59:40

A decade ago, Sal Khan envisioned using technology to tailor education to individual and community needs.

Announcing ETL Looks Back

09.10.2024 • 00:01:15

While ETL takes a break from new episodes, we’re looking back at some timely gems from our archives.

Alexandra Zatarain (Eight Sleep) - Getting to Product-Market Fit

05.06.2024 • 00:49:28

Alexandra Zatarain is the co-founder and VP of brand and marketing of Eight Sleep, the world’s first sleep fitness company. A marketer and brand-build...